who i am

“i believe that our bodies age faster or slower based on our choices and we can all feel good.”

hi, i’m rachel.

My background in high-performance training and competing, strength & conditioning, Pilates, resistance training & nutrition has evolved as I’ve aged. I find  so much pleasure and need in helping people through screening, assessment, and tailored functional fitness and mobility programs. I offer these one-on-one or in small groups, both in-person and online.

30 years ago I first qualified as a Fitness Leader. That was back when high-cut fluoro leotards and shiny, skin-coloured tights were a thing.

A few years after that I took up competitive road and track cycling and trained and raced until I raced for Australia. The pinnacle was winning a Commonwealth Games gold medal and racing the Giro Rosa so decided to become a Level 1 cycling coach. Many years later I studied  Level 1 Strength & Conditioning and recently re-qualified as a Personal Trainer & Exercise Professional and most recently as a Pilates teacher.

Along the way I've learned just how much our bodies change & how critical muscle mass and strength are. The beauty of having an intimate studio gym is the personalised attention I can offer you. We are private and hidden in a beautiful bush setting not far from the beaches of Byron Bay.